Birds – Orange-fronted Parakeet, Yellow-naped Parrot, Scarlet Macaw, Long-tail Manakin, Lineated, Pale-billed, and Hoffman’s Woodpeckers, Osprey, Common Black Hawk, Barred Antshrike, Blue-crowned and Turquoise-browed Motmots, Black-headed, Violaceous, and Elegant Trogons, Brown Pelican, Crested Caracara, Flycatchers, Tanagers, Vultures, Herons, and several species of migratory song and shorebirds
Mammals – White faced, Spider, and Howler Monkeys, Raccoon, Coati, Squirrels, Anteater, White-tail deer, Armadillo, Tayra, Collared Peccary, Margay, Puma or Mountain Lion, Skunk, and Kinkajou
Amphibians and Reptiles – Giant Toad, Boa Constrictor, Iguana, Sea Turtles, Anolis Lizards, and Crocodile
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+506 6209 3846 +506 6210 1724 |
info@curuwildliferefuge.com' refugiocuru@yahoo.com |
Southern Nicoya Peninsula of northwestern Costa Rica. |
Fax: (506) 2641-03-94 | |
Mail: Section 14-5357 Paquera, Costa Rica | |
Schedule: According to the management plan, only visitors staying in the cabins may stay after 4:00 p.m. All others must vacante the wildlife refuge. |
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its use for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited without prior authorization.